facebookIs dropshipping legal in Singapore? And if so, is it subjected to any taxes or do I have to make any declarations? - Seedly



14 May 2020



Is dropshipping legal in Singapore? And if so, is it subjected to any taxes or do I have to make any declarations?

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Zachary Teo

14 May 2020

Art Director at Ad Agency

Hey Anon! It's completely legal, you have to register as a sole propietor beforehand. However, word of advice for dropshipping, it's not as good as it sound. Perhaps you have seen a lot of Youtubers mentioning their dropshipping business or even went on a course for it (i hope not). The value they're often showing are just the sales they made. They did not show you the nett income because they are barely enough.

This is so as they have to minus off the huge amount of ads they are running on FB, Google, Keyword Targetting, and many more. Adding on are the fees to make returns for the goods sold, comission fees for the China sellers etc.

With dropshipping, you have no control over your goods, whether it is of quality or not. It will also take a lot of time to find the right one. When customer want to make a return, you also have to deal with it. Very often, the cost to return the goods are higher than your profit. You may have come across some dropshipper on Lazada or Shopee, they will tell you to keep the goods instead of returning.

At the end of the day, if you're looking to start a business. I would say go for the quality of customer experience and most importantly, your goods.

My two cents worth on the modal of business. Because I almost got my foot in until my friend pull me out of it.

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