facebookIs credit card usage necessary for getting bank loans for housing or HDB loans? - Seedly



19 Aug 2021


Is credit card usage necessary for getting bank loans for housing or HDB loans?

I made a decision not to use credit cards and have not used it till now. In fact, i don’t have my own credit card. But my friends keep telling me that i should get one and use it often to improve my credit score for getting bank loans.

How does this work? Will not having a credit card affect chances of getting a loan? Even for housing?

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Hmmm, it's a good question. If I were you, I would purchase the credit score report to find out what's my status now - before HDB/Bank assess me... This is also what I did for myself few years b4 I purchased a HDB - so I know what I am doing right / wrong to maintain or 'build up' a good score.

Credit score obtained through the bank instituitions - i.e. other than credit cards, I think they also take into consideration repayment of loans (e.g. study loans), overdrafts (if any). Good to read up... resources:



If your credit score comes up to by CX - insufficient credit activity maybe you can take 1 credit card.
If it's ok at AA - then just continue what you are doing.

I would say yes, you need at least one to start your credit score.

For housing loans for HDB purposes, it does not really matter. Since income and age are often the de...

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