facebookIf you had enough to retire with a comfortable amount of money, would you do so? Or will you reinvest and continue working? - Seedly


22 Feb 2023


If you had enough to retire with a comfortable amount of money, would you do so? Or will you reinvest and continue working?

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If I don't like my job, quit. Otherwise keep going.

Depends on what you want out of your life. my boss just retired to spend his time on missionary work.

Depends on if you like your job.

If I had enough to retire, I will still continue to work.. but work now will become a lesiure and less stressful as I know I am not at the mercy of others.. will also be more generous and donate more to those who needs.. alas, but I do not have enough yet and have been spending my money mindlessly.. used to be v frugal but as I aged, I realized that i need to be nicer to myself coz I wouldn't know what's there in for me tmr.. life is short..

Reinvest based on the run rate till 85. If 65 onwards, would probably be 20% equity/higher-risk asse...

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