facebookI'm 20, waiting for enlistment. I have a investment horizon of 5~ years, and have been DCA-ing in STI ETF for a year. Which investment strategy is better suited for cash lying around? - Seedly



19 May 2020

General Investing

I'm 20, waiting for enlistment. I have a investment horizon of 5~ years, and have been DCA-ing in STI ETF for a year. Which investment strategy is better suited for cash lying around?

20k savings in SC acc
5k as emergency fund. No debts and insured
1k savings in POSB a/c - for daily expenses, DCA $100/m in STI ETF

Since I am seeking to diversify my portfolio and make better use of my lying cash, is it better to DCA into roboadvisors (looking at stashaway) or lumpsum (e.g $5k for different few stocks in sectors like tech) given my horizon and the irrational market now

Also, besides investing in yourself, what are some viable side hustles to boost earnings potential?

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You'd need something more diversificated (global level), cheap & large, passively managed, tax friendly, but the time to liquidate should be at least 5 years, 10 years would be much better, you need thus patience. part of your investment could then be stock oriented Ireland domiciled ETF ticker IWDA

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