facebookI just transferred $13,000 SGD to IBKR. I plan to buy some US stocks, i.e. NVDA. Should I just proceed to buy leaving the currency in SGD or should I get IBKR to convert it to USD first. Thanks - Seedly



07 Nov 2024


General Investing

I just transferred $13,000 SGD to IBKR. I plan to buy some US stocks, i.e. NVDA. Should I just proceed to buy leaving the currency in SGD or should I get IBKR to convert it to USD first. Thanks

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IBKR charges a fee for each conversion like 2 sgd or something like that. So I read somewhere that it was better to convert one shot minimum 1000 sgd to make the fee worthwhile.


Also, IBKR has good usd conversion rate.

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My understanding is in general, if you convert SGD in your existing same broker SGD account to USD account within same broker , it has better exchange rate compare to you open USD account, and transfer money from external bank.

USD shoot up too much too fast last few weeks .. better wait for it to be stable first


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