AutoWealth adopts a conservative investment approach via-a-vis other investment managers or robo-advisors. All AutoWealth portfolios feature a material allocation to government bonds for risk management purposes.
In a severe market crisis like the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis or the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, even the most highly-rated corporate bonds, including those issued by our local banks, lost value.
Conversely, government bonds appreciate during market crisis. The returns from government bonds can therefore be utilised to buy more stocks while they are extremely cheap (undervalued) in a market crisis. This process is known as portfolio rebalancing, and is one of the benefits of investing through AutoWealth.
AutoWealth adopts a conservative investment approach via-a-vis other investment managers or robo-advisors. All AutoWealth portfolios feature a material allocation to government bonds for risk management purposes.
In a severe market crisis like the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis or the 2008 Great Financial Crisis, even the most highly-rated corporate bonds, including those issued by our local banks, lost value.
Conversely, government bonds appreciate during market crisis. The returns from government bonds can therefore be utilised to buy more stocks while they are extremely cheap (undervalued) in a market crisis. This process is known as portfolio rebalancing, and is one of the benefits of investing through AutoWealth.