The recent global pandemic has made me realised so many things. My job security is at stake. I have very little savings and no knowledge on investing. I dont even have insurance. I honestly do not know where to start.
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On top of what others suggested, I would advise on the how to trim expenses / save money to start your journey
(a) track your last three month expenses and group them to find out how you are spending your money. I do something like
Apr Bank start balance + salary - allowances - other expense = Apr Bank ending balance.
Most online banking functions already have some feature that allows you to analyze the cash flows in / out of your bank account or credit card.
The thing is when you start, you may find a lot of incomplete information like a few atm withdrawals that you would have to try to recall what you spent it on. For time being, just make it into a generic group first, and also why I suggest three months for starters.
(b) one way to control your spending and the unknown cash spends is to pay yourself an allowance. I have my salary going to ocbc 360 account, and then I do weekly transfer of my allowance to my other ocbc account that I withdraw cash from. This leaves majority of the salary in the 360 account for the regular bills etc while I have a pre-determined allowance I can spend that is known.
(c) you need to figure out from (a) and (b) where most of your money is spent. Different people have different poisons, eg some people have a daily bubble tea / Starbucks that may cost them 100+ per mth, some do a lot of online shopping, some buy too many 4d/toto, some spend it on maintaining their cars, some take expensive holidays, some spend too much on the kids.
Everyone spends money but the important point is
we should spend within what we earn, and keep some savings (other than cpf). Since you say you don't have a lot of savings, aim to start small at 10% of your take home pay first, then slowly increase it to maybe 30% or more it should be more than 30% coz when this portion should form your savings for marriage and home down-payment until u get your house and will use this 30% to pay monthly mortgage
you will need time to adjust to spending less. There are a few threads on how to save money, but it's the mindset change that matters. Instead of saying "I have no life after I cut my expenses", you should see it as I only have this much for spending and I would want to spend on this and that item that matters to me.
one tell tale sign of a spending problem is when you need to buy containers or furniture to store "something". That something is your own poison, that you need to set a maximum spend per year cap on, if not you will just keep buying and buying even when you have lots of it.
(d) after going through the expenses you will cut, this forms the savings and budget that you will use to fund the necessary insurance and savings / investment. If you have credit card, or some cash loan, study loan etc, I would suggest you pay that off first before considering investment.
Take small steps and set small targets first like 5%, then increase to 10%, then 15%. Once you see your bank balance slowly grow, you know you are on the right track.
Chris Susanto
17 Jul 2020
Founder at
You can begin by living below your means.
Work hard, find ways to increase your earnings.
Save as much as possible.
Be patient.
As time passes by, when you have a good starting capital, learn to INVEST in a businesslike way. Do not try to get rich QUICK via gambling in the stock market.
Alex Chua
10 Jul 2020
Seedly student Ambassador 2020/21 at Seedly
Financial planning starts from yourself. What do you want to get in your life? Housing? Marriage, etc
Step 1: Look at your savings
Is there Anyway you can increase your revenue and reduce your expenses?
Step 2: look at your insurance coverage
Anything more, you have to find your way through investing or getting a new job
You can take a look...
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