facebookHow to place RSP to purchase S&P500 in singapore? Any recommended broker? - Seedly


09 Oct 2019


General Investing

How to place RSP to purchase S&P500 in singapore? Any recommended broker?

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Joash Chua

06 Jun 2018

Financial Consultant at IPP Financial Advisers Pte. Ltd.

If you are looking for an index fund (mutal fund), Infinity U.S 500 Stock Index Fund SGD Class is available on FundSuperMart. FundSuperMart charges 0.0875% per quarter as its platform fee (0.35% p.a.) and charges 0% initial sales charge, so 100% of your RSP is invested.


If you are looking for an ETF, SPDR S&P500 ETF is available on Standard Chartered Bank's trading platform. To open a trading account, you must have a bank account with SC. You can always open one if you dont already have one. To qualify for the trading account, you need to pass the CKA and fill in forms relevant to the markets you wish to trade in.


If you don't know the difference between an index fund and an index ETF, then I suggest just stick with the index fund (mutual fund). If you do know the difference, well, you don't need me to explain any more since you will know how to calculate the brokerage fees associated with each transaction you make on ETFs. Unless you are going to RSP a sizeable sum each month, you are better off with an index fund since trading houses charge flat rate or minimum commission in addition to other fees. The cost from this can be more than or equal to index funds if you compare the charges using the same RSP amount.

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