facebookHow much should a 19 year old Poly student save as emergency funds during this time, before NS & Uni? - Seedly


Alcander Seow

Environmental Engineer Minor in Business at Nanyang Technological University

27 May 2020


Saving Hacks

How much should a 19 year old Poly student save as emergency funds during this time, before NS & Uni?

Please advise!

SeedlyTV S2E07

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Kenneth Lou

27 May 2020

Co-founder at Seedly

Hey Alcander! Thanks for asking :)

I would say a safe number would be 6 months worth of your monthly commited expenses.

What that means are:

  • Transport

  • Food & Breverage

  • Utilities

  • Rental (if you have)

For you since you are 19 years old, it would probably be around $600 x 6 = $3,600 worth of emergency funds (a rough estimate)

For me, when I was at your age, I only had about $5,000 or less in my savings (and probably not even aware of my savings emergency funds, so good on you!)

I focused more on my cashflow, from my NS salary and savings rate %.

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