facebookHow much money/portion of your income do you give your parents monthly? My pay is $2.5k (SGUnited Traineeship), and my parents are divorced but both recently remarried, I live with my dad. Any advice? - Seedly



16 Nov 2020


How much money/portion of your income do you give your parents monthly? My pay is $2.5k (SGUnited Traineeship), and my parents are divorced but both recently remarried, I live with my dad. Any advice?

I've asked around, some people give both parents a total of 10% (but in my case that $125/parent LOL which seems very little), some offer to pay utilities instead (but then I won't be giving my mum??). Technically I should give my dad more since I'm still living off him, but honestly, I don't have much to give LOL and I still need to pay off my tuition fee loan... Any suggestions? Thanks!

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To each his own.

Don't feel pressurised by how much other people give. Most important thing is whether your finances can sustain you now and in the future (marriage, housing etc.).

Also, every parent is different. Some are never satisfied no matter how high an amount you give. On the other hand, some are satisfied with however low an amount you give. After all, it's the thought that counts.

BTW there are people that do not give ANY dollar to their parents, not even a CNY Ang Bao (I do have such friends).

Anyway to answer your question, I feel that 10% is a good amount to start off with, considering you still have to pay off your tuition loan. You can slowly increase the amount gradually as your finances pick up.

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Hi, I believe it really differs between individuals. Your parents will definitely be happy to receive a small token from you especially from your first paycheck. If your parents are not needing the extra allowance, you can let them know that you hope to save up more but will give them a small monthly allowance just so as an appreciation.

Otherwise, once you have been converted or find a job that pays better, you can slowly increase the allowance. Your parents will be happy to know that you thought of them when you received your salary.

You can see more on my breakdown of my monthly income:

Breakdown of my Monthly Salary and Types of Accounts I hold my Money in

Do make sure you are setting money aside for your tuition loan payments as well as savings and then as you progress on in your career, the extra money can channelled to different avenues. Automating the allocation of your salary can help a lot!

You should give zero. The previous generation has to fend for themselves just like the current one has to. If you pick up the pieces for them now, who will pick up after yours in the future?

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I give 50% of my income to parents spilt equally. $2.5k each. My schedule is always packed, work 12hours a day. Car loan also pay finish already so i don't have anything much that I need to pay. No time to spend also so just need pay for necessities, phone bills, petrol, car maintainence, food

Just give whatever you're comfortable with.

However, I do agree that you should give more to the o...

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