facebookHow much is a good amount of savings at 30 years old? (Excluding CPF)? Before wedding, house, and kids? - Seedly


16 Sep 2020


How much is a good amount of savings at 30 years old? (Excluding CPF)? Before wedding, house, and kids?

Discussion (4)

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3xannual salary would be a good gauge.

Hello there! There are a lot of variables involved in this so there's no ONE right amount to advise. One person might have lots of debt after uni, another might have $50,000 after graduating at 23.

I think the whole "SAVE $100K BEFORE 30!" is really blowing up these days. I think it is a very good goal to work towards, but let that be a source of motivation and not something that stresses you up.

I agree with Yang Teng in this, that perhaps you could use your income as a gauge. For this, I might look at having at least 1 year of your income saved up.

If not, you can aim for lump sums (50k? 80k? 200k) depending on your own personal finance goals, for e.g. how much you have to set aside for your future wedding, house etc. This is the method I'm currently following, based on my expectations of how much I'm planning to spend on my future big purchases. :)​​​

Hi Annoymous

I've just turned 31 in September and this is just my personal stance on your question....

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