facebookHow much do you pay for your health screening? Looking at those who paid $$ for it rather than a briefed health screening paid by the company? - Seedly



19 Oct 2020


How much do you pay for your health screening? Looking at those who paid $$ for it rather than a briefed health screening paid by the company?

Understand that it differs especially on the checks that is included in the package. Just want to find out around how much people spent on health screening. I want to do a detailed health screening (am 24yo) but not sure at what price range is considered too much.

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Pang Zhe Liang

19 Oct 2020

Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd

It depends on the scope of the screening. For basic health screening, it will probably cost about $20. Here is a point of reference: https://myaia.aia.com.sg/en/vitality/dashboard/...

For a detailed health screening, it may cost over a hundred dollars to about $600, depending on the nature of the test involved. Here is another point of reference: https://myaia.aia.com.sg/en/vitality/dashboard/...

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