facebookHow much a young couple need monthly to live in Singapore? (Including bills, housing, occasionally eat out) - Seedly

How much a young couple need monthly to live in Singapore? (Including bills, housing, occasionally eat out)

Was talking to a friend and it seem that 1 of them is a working adult supporting herself and her boyfriend (a start up cum student with income no more than 1.2k per month)

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The cost of living for a young couple in Singapore varies based on lifestyle and spending habits. Key expenses include housing, transportation, groceries, utilities, eating out, and entertainment. Housing can range from S$600 to S$5,000 per month depending on whether you rent a room or an entire unit. Transportation costs can vary from S$150 to S$800 monthly, depending on the mode of travel. Groceries might cost around S$200 to S$300 per month. Utility bills can range from S$50 to S$150. Dining out and entertainment expenses will depend on your lifestyle choices. It's important to budget and plan according to your specific needs and income. For more detailed information, you can refer to this guide for the cost of living in Singapore here.

Depends on lifestyle. but i also think 1.2k can be done.

The hidden cost like surprise hospitalisation bills will bankrupt many who are unprepared

Can be done with 1.2k. just need to really meal plan etc, and rental of room with no attached toilet. some rooms in kranji only $550 a mth. meal plans could be a loaf of bread with ham for all days of the week

Javier Tan Yan Kai

25 Jan 2024

Actuarial Analyst at AIA

Excluding housing less than 1k...

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