facebookHow many of you actually use crypto in daily life? - Seedly


11 May 2021


How many of you actually use crypto in daily life?

I invest in crypto and love to learn about the tech behind it but I have never once actually used crypto in my daily life. I think it will be a big part of everyone’s day to day in the future but as of right now I see almost nothing where I could actually use it (without crazy fees at least). What are some ways you guys actually use your crypto other than as an investment or just preparing for the future?

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Haven't tried it out in daily life but I do know that there are a few Singapore eateries that accept crypto payments.

Kopitiam at Funan

It's call KOPItech and they accept three currencies - bitcoin, etehreum, and creatanium. Apparently, they do a weekly fiat conversion with Kopitiam bearing the risks of the fluctuations. Stallholders will continue to receive their earnings in Singapore dollars, just like at any other outlet.

Ducatus Cafe

They run their own cafe and have their own cryptocurrency - Ducatus Coins. They accept BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DUC. They are known as the first cafe that accepts cryptocurrency.

I don't think it will happen so soon! And also not with bitcoin or ethereum, the fees are way too high! 😳

Maybe some altcoin will become the world's choice of currency, but for now I'm sticking to my fiat money 💵💶💷💴

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Yes bought a little recent years back, and trying to still by bit by bit monthly. It's starting to g...

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