facebookHow many crypto wallets do you have? - Seedly


Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

02 Jan 2023


How many crypto wallets do you have?

I have 4: Muun (BTC), MetaMask (ERC-20 tokens), Keplr (Atom) & Sweatcoin (Sweat)

Yes, I don't have a Ledger yet. Will get down to buying one this year haha

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Metamask, tronlink , ledger .

after sometime you didn't use the ledger ,the display screen words will fade , not sure why maybe cause mine was the old version and they want u to keep buying the newer version.

I don't think there is a need to store crypto in hardware wallet because crypto cannot be store of value unless leverage is removed out from The game totally . So it is just buy and sell game .

Some crooks hacked into my wallet took all of my coins. Thanks to geminihacks.com for helping me get all my coins back


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