facebookHow long does it take to hit 200k after hitting 100k. - Seedly


29 Jan 2022

General Investing

How long does it take to hit 200k after hitting 100k.

This 100k consists of my investment and emergency funds which I don't plan to touch for 10years. I have cash on the side for expenses. What are some investments that can acclerate this $$?

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"Safest" way would be to put it in anchor protocol that gives you 19.5% interest.

If you are risk averse, pick one or more from these: https://blog.moneysmart.sg/fixed-deposits/best-...

If you are risk tolerant, go for this option: https://ukglobalinvestors.com/asia/singapore/

Based on own journey, took 10 years to reach 100k. Monthly DCA into SG stocks, ad-hoc investments into US stocks through the years.


More info about you is needed. Your age, your monthly expenses, your monthly savings, your r...

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