facebookHow do you balance being thrifty and enjoying life while in your 20s? - Seedly



09 Jun 2021



How do you balance being thrifty and enjoying life while in your 20s?

Discussion (13)

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I actually don't need to balance it, as I don't see both as mutually exclusive.

Most of the food I enjoy are low-cost (super smooth teh halia at $1.50, super fresh yong tau foo at Chinatown at $3), and most of the experiences I enjoy are free (walking around the marina area).

Nicholes Wong

07 Jun 2019

Diploma in Business Management at Nanyang Polytechnic

There are a lot of things you can enjoy that does not cost a lot of money, you just need to find them. Think positive.

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Get thrifty friends with similar mindsets as you. If they are all the high income or high spending type, it is almost impossible to be thrifty.

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Save money by frequenting cafes and cinemas less. (It’s not about the food or environment, it’s about the company)

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look for deals/discounts! you don't need to spend to enjoy. there are tons of free/cheap stuff that ...

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