facebookHow do I cancel and get a refund for my holiday trip if it was booked on Anywhr due to the COVID-19 virus? - Seedly



19 Mar 2020


How do I cancel and get a refund for my holiday trip if it was booked on Anywhr due to the COVID-19 virus?

Is it possible to get a full refund for my trip? If not, what is the best-case scenario that I can get?

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If you booked your holiday before 13 March 2020, 530pm (EST), you can submit your trip cancellation claim. Claims should be submitted by email and follow these steps:

  1. Contact the travel company (e.g. airline, tour operator or travel agent) and find out if your travel plans could be rescheduled/rerouted and whether the claim will be credits/refunds

  2. Forward the response to Anywhr

  3. Send in a letter explaining your exact travel plans and why you are submitting a claim

  4. complete a claim form here

  5. send in all original copies of the unused tickets/vouchers

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