facebookHigh base salary with no bonus and AWS or lower base salary with performance dependent bonus and AWS? - Seedly


Edited 20 Oct 2021


High base salary with no bonus and AWS or lower base salary with performance dependent bonus and AWS?

Currently working in a startup and there are no bonuses nor AWS. Based on the above question, how would you navigate this?

Higher base say 5k = stability

Lower base say 3.5k + bonus/AWS = potential to have more $ overall but of course varies depending on company's and personal performance etc

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Higher base salary.
1. Guaranteed > promise.
2. Better for future salary growth. Tough to negotiate a higher base salary if a significant portion is bonus.

But it also depends on your conviction in the startup. If you feel this startup could be the next Shopee or Grab one day, then take the bonus or equity option. Do note the time these companies took to show promise and unicorns are really one in a million.

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High base salary.

  • Company can give excuse that you underperform if they are hand tight. Why subject yourself to this situation?
  • Higher base also better next time when you job hop
  • when you buy house variable income, bonus are discounted @30% when you borrow loan.

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