facebookHi! Ive decided to invest in S&P500 by putting in $1-2k monthly to buy CSPX. Chose this cos of accumulating fund plus ireland-domiciled (as compared to US). Can I buy this on ibkr using USD? - Seedly



23 May 2024

General Investing

Hi! Ive decided to invest in S&P500 by putting in $1-2k monthly to buy CSPX. Chose this cos of accumulating fund plus ireland-domiciled (as compared to US). Can I buy this on ibkr using USD?

What are yr views on this, good move to have 1-2k monthly into CSPX?

wanted to clarify which ticker will this be, and can i buy using usd or need to change currency?

thank you!!

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IKBR allows trading on London Stock Exchange. Check if your account has access.

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