facebookHi, I had a cfd short of SIA share at a price of $5.30. What are the risks I may face or potential upside when the new deal takes place for SIA? - Seedly



12 Apr 2020



Hi, I had a cfd short of SIA share at a price of $5.30. What are the risks I may face or potential upside when the new deal takes place for SIA?

What are some repercussions that I could face coming out of the new deal?

SeedlyTV S2E02

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Hey! I chanced upon this article which explains what you have asked pretty well. Do check it out!


with the backing of Temasek, the value of each SIA share may potentially fall to $4.40 or lower once the new $5.3B of new equity is issued.

if you're holding it for the long term, it may not be such a critical downside. ​​​

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