facebookHi! Are there podcasts or youtube channels online that review stocks and stock market trends etc that I can listen in either daily or weekly to get updates of the markets? Thanks! - Seedly



31 Jul 2024


General Investing

Hi! Are there podcasts or youtube channels online that review stocks and stock market trends etc that I can listen in either daily or weekly to get updates of the markets? Thanks!

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If you are into trading, maybe you can search marketwise asia in YouTube or Facebook.

Hi, there are a few that I listen to. I would recommend "Your Money with Michelle Martin, MoneyFM" or MoneyTalks from CNA. They do touch on stocks and other money related topics which I find it useful. They are about 20 mins so its not too long. if you are interested in other kind of finance podcasts, you can try The Woke Salaryman Podcasts. I feel it is quite relatable and they touch a lot on useful personal finance topics.

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HC Tang

06 Aug 2024

Financial Enthusiast, Budgeting at The Society

Be patience listen and learn from InvestAnswers from YouTube and follow his X account. He shares from stocks to crypto.

I listened to the fifth person. But still need to do your own due diligence...

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