facebookHi all, I am 24 yrs old and currently an undergraduate. I have $15k but I do not know how to grow it or rather how to invest it. Really hope to seek some advise from all of you! What is the best combo for a medium risk appetite? - Seedly



24 May 2021

General Investing

Hi all, I am 24 yrs old and currently an undergraduate. I have $15k but I do not know how to grow it or rather how to invest it. Really hope to seek some advise from all of you! What is the best combo for a medium risk appetite?

If you guys have $15k now, what would you do with it? How would you invest it?

After spending a long time reading all the seedy Q&A, I might be considering:
$10k in SINGLIFE, $3k in STASHAWAY, $2k in SYFE EQUITY100

Is this the best combo? If not, what is the best combo if my risk appetite is medium?

Discussion (14)

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What to do with $X ?

-Do you have debt other than a mortgage? if yes, pay it off

-Do you have a full emergency fund? If no, dump it in somewhere with high liquidity

-Are you maxing out all retirement funds? (CPF/SRS) if no - max them out until eligible to invest the balance. if SRS no minimum balance to use for investments.

if yes - pay off mortgage(if have) or more investing ( through brokerage or robo advisors)​​​


24 May 2021

Financial Service Consultant at AIA

8k syfe cash plus

4k in syfe reit

3k in 100.

All in one platform for easy management

I will just focus on equity100, don't need to put into so many robo. One robo already very diversified, instead of spreading out your capital which is not huge (no offence), focus on equity100 and let it compound better over long run

Before choose where to put your money, know what is your goal.

Before get on a bus, know where you want to go.


1) what is your timeframe? 5years, 10 years, 20 years

2) How much money (approx) you want to put in yearly? $500, $1000, $2000?

3) Do some math:


4) Then base on your target return. Choose your vehicle.

Addition Tip

Best combo regardless your appetite.


Hey anon! I think apart from your risk appetite, think about your investment horizon as well. Do you...

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