facebookHave you ever wondered why on American Express AMEX issued cards the CVV security code is on the front of the card? - Seedly



22 Feb 2020

Credit Cards

Have you ever wondered why on American Express AMEX issued cards the CVV security code is on the front of the card?

This has always gotten me confused over why it is in the front.

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penalty shooters 2 is a soccer game with nine leagues and 360 teams, which makes it quite difficult!

Amex takes pride in being different from visa and mc. =D Their security code is 4digits vs 3digits. Their cc numbers are 15digits vs 16digits.

Kenneth Lou

22 Feb 2020

Co-founder at Seedly

Found this online:

"They're 2 different security codes for cards. Amex has 2 levels of security...

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