facebookHave been wanting to get started in investing in REITS and I think Syfe might be a good place to start. They have an option of "100% REITS" and "REITS with Risk Management", what do you recommend? - Seedly



04 Aug 2020


Have been wanting to get started in investing in REITS and I think Syfe might be a good place to start. They have an option of "100% REITS" and "REITS with Risk Management", what do you recommend?

Do you think now is a good time to start investing with Syfe and in S-REITs?

Discussion (2)

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Colin Lim

29 Apr 2020

Financial Services Consultant at Colin Lim

It is always a good time if you are using Dollar Cost Averaging. investing every month..

100% into REITs is higher RISK than a mixture of REITs and Bonds.

U need to understand your risk profile(impt), You also need to diversified your portfolio.

Example, you have 1000 to invest...maybe you can place $500 to SYFE REITs and 500 to another portfolio for Growth. If you are young, time is on your side. so looking at long term, this strategy is good.


Pang Zhe Liang

28 Apr 2020

Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd

We need to know more about you in order to give you suggestions that may work, e.g. risk appetite, investment objective, investment horizon. Altogether, we will want to create a portfolio that you will be confident to invest your money into.

To determine if the market condition is favourable to invest, the question will be: Is there a right time to invest?

Accordingly, I have compiled a list of financial crisis and disasters since the 90s and every other strong reasons not to invest. However, the market has proven otherwise year after year.

Therefore, focus with the right investment strategy by knowing your investment objective. Then decide the tenure and decide whether to invest a lump sum or to do it via dollar cost averaging.

More Details:

Lump Sum vs Dollar Cost Averaging

Finally, invest into assets that suits your risk appetite.

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