facebookHave a whole life policy bought since age 0, has broken even, the internal rate of return is 2.3%. No ECI and CI just basic death/TPD. Under what circumstances should I keep or surrender? - Seedly


Edited 29 Nov 2021


Have a whole life policy bought since age 0, has broken even, the internal rate of return is 2.3%. No ECI and CI just basic death/TPD. Under what circumstances should I keep or surrender?

Internal rate of return calculated using total premiums paid over the years till date, surrender value and excel IRR formula.

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The sum assured sounds like it would not be significant to you. You can consider it as a safe haven that grows 2.3% p.a., which is high for today's standards because these policies were based on bonds at that point. Investing can get you higher returns, but it comes with risks too. If you have multiple policies to manage, you can try out the free finance and insurance consolidator to manage them. https://plannerbee.co/


29 Nov 2021

Turbo-charge Your Savings with REPs at PolicyWoke

Hi Hazel,

It depends whether it still meets your financial objectives in holding it. If you're indecisive on whether to keep or surrender your whole life policy, you may seek advice from a financial advisor.

Disclaimer: PolicyWoke is a resale insurance policies broker.


The Super Long Ark

29 Nov 2021

Full-Time Trader at Barista FIRE

Do you still have to pay for it? how much is the coverage?

if you/parents have already paid it in ...

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