facebookHas anyone here tried DBS Digi-Portfolio yet? I always wondered how they would count the fees, if they would charge me the 0.75% + trading/clearing fees or is it an all in one 0.75% AUM fee.? - Seedly


15 Oct 2020


Has anyone here tried DBS Digi-Portfolio yet? I always wondered how they would count the fees, if they would charge me the 0.75% + trading/clearing fees or is it an all in one 0.75% AUM fee.?

Always wondered if the management fee of 0.75% is on the amount you placed, or the portfolio value.
Anyways I did place $10,000 in the Global Portfolio plus Comfy & Cruisin, thinking to add a fixed amount every single month for this ‘robo’ investing.

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15 Oct 2020

Salaryman at some company

Source: https://www.dbs.com.sg/iwov-resources/media/ima...

"What fees do I need to pay for digiPortfolio?

Only one. This is a Portfolio Management fee of between 0.75% to 0.85% per annum, calculated daily on each day’s portfolio value. This is to pay for all the work done by DBS. This includes the research our investment teams, the placing of trades and the monitoring and rebalancing activities that ensure your portfolios are in line with our investment house view. There are no open/close account fees, transaction fees nor withdrawal fees."

"How are the fees on my portfolio calculated?

Fees are calculated based on the value of your portfolio at the end of each day (after any withdrawals or top-ups). These daily fees are accumulated over time, then deducted from the cash portion of your portfolio after the end of the calendar year or upon closure of the account. You will see it on your statement as “DPS Management Fee”. Note that this fee is subject to GST."​​​

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