facebookGiven the current COVID-19 situation and DPM speech today, is it a Yay or Nay for STI ETF (RSS)? - Seedly


Darren Lee

04 Apr 2020


Given the current COVID-19 situation and DPM speech today, is it a Yay or Nay for STI ETF (RSS)?

I have been in the RSS with POSB for the Nikko AM STI ET for about 17 months now. And given the situation now, would it good to continue with the RSS or should I suspend it? Will the drop widen my losses or will the I benefit from the DCA?

SeedlyTV S2E01

Discussion (5)

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STI is generally an instrument not well diversified, VT or VOO

passive indexing funds did (will do???) much better over very

long term.

Take a look to the trailing (but dividends not included) 10 year performances

of STI versus SP500 versus global index:


Diversity, diversity, diversity. If you're willing to speculate and take a bet. Be ready to lose all that money. Have a great day! Cheers!

PM really going to make a speech later also! :O

Charmaine Chua

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