facebookDoes it make sense to spend overseas on credit cards to earn miles instead of using a multicurrency card instead? - Seedly


Guo Hao Teo

Self-Taught Enthusiast at Personal Finance

29 Feb 2020

Credit Cards

Does it make sense to spend overseas on credit cards to earn miles instead of using a multicurrency card instead?

Would you use a multi-currency card for the better rates or a miles card to earn better rewards? What would you use in different scenarios?

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Pang Zhe Liang

29 Feb 2020

Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd

It depends on the valuation that you give for your MPD. Since different people assign a different value to it, there is no right or wrong answer.

For instance, the FX fee may add up to $5. However, I value my miles to be at $6 for the same purchase. As a result, I will choose to pay for the purchase using my miles card instead of a multi-currency card.

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