facebookDo you usually get travel insurance from airlines? We found that it might be better to get from mainstream insurers... - Seedly

Hui Juan

Content Manager at Seedly

07 Dec 2023



Do you usually get travel insurance from airlines? We found that it might be better to get from mainstream insurers...


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Elijah Lee

04 Jan 2024

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi Hui Juan,


I usually don't actually.


Before GoBear shut down, I'd usually filter and search for something that covers my needs.


For example if I'm booking a flight with miles, I'll look for an insurer that covers that.


If I'm not renting, I wouldn't need rental car coverage


If I'm going to be flying in to a country during a period where flight delays may happen (due to season/nature, tec), I'll make sure to have protection against that (I was stranded once in Taiwan due to a typhoon)


So no, I usually don't get it from airlines when I'm booking my ticket.

Yeah i get from other insurers...


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