facebookDo you think removal of quarterly reporting will lower volatility and liquidity in SGX? - Seedly

Gabriel Tham

Tag Team Member at Kenichi Tag Team

13 Jan 2020



Do you think removal of quarterly reporting will lower volatility and liquidity in SGX?

With less reporting news being released, means less information for the public to act on. Currently, with quarterly reporting, we usually see more price action nearing result release or dividend announcement.

Discussion (3)

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Bjorn Ng

13 Jan 2020

Business Analyst at 10x Capital

To be honest, in SGX, even with quarterly report, the prices barely moves. For me, I would prefer quarterly reports so I can track if the business is moving at the right path. If the business you invest in is a good one, ultimately whether it's quarterly or annually, it will work towards the same end result - growth!

I dont see it as quite a bad news. In fact, it is good for smaller companies because they need to do less as part of the compliance- half yearly release instead of quarterly. This will reduce some overheads for such small companies.

As to the second part of your question, the SGX is more price senstivie to daily trading and news release/rumour. I do not think we will see more price action nearing result release/dividend. In fact, i think such price actions will only happen after such announcements are released. The singapore market seems more like technical trading than fundamental investing for now

Does not change the fact that most companies that are listed on SGX are small-cap / penny stocks tha...

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