facebookDo you prefer UOB Preferred Platinum, Citi PremierMiles or BOC Elite Miles? - Seedly


08 Dec 2019



Do you prefer UOB Preferred Platinum, Citi PremierMiles or BOC Elite Miles?

Which do you prefer? And why? IMO, although Citi has the lowest miles per dollar, the variety of partners make it very attractive. Especially when you consider the recent Krisflyer Deval....

SeedlyTV EP02

Discussion (7)

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I prefer citi premiermiles as it gives you x1.5 for every dollar local spend. And tbe good thing is it doesn't expired!

I would personally prefer the Citi PremierMiles card for two main reasons:

  1. No expiry for miles - no pressure to spend by a specific period in order to hit a specific amount of miles for redemption. Perfect for passive spenders

  2. Most airlines partners for redemption - 12 different partners hence would not be restricted to just SQ flights (for example).

Nonetheless, it is very much a personal preference which differs based on your expenditure patterns.

Elijah Lee

07 Dec 2019

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Given that I don't spend a lot, even with 4mpd, there is a chance that my miles may expire before I ...

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