facebookDo we get 2% for all the money saved every month for the POSB SAYE account? - Seedly



03 Jan 2021

Saving Hacks

Do we get 2% for all the money saved every month for the POSB SAYE account?

I am looking at POSB SAYE and interested in the 2%, I have a few questions:

  1. Do we get 2% for all $ save every month? meaning, say I save $1000 / month. will I get a 2% rate for $1000 for 1st month? and $2000 for 2nd month for 2%? and etc?

  2. When will I get the extra interest of 2%? will it be monthly or yearly?

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03 Jan 2021

Salaryman at some company

  1. Refer to this: https://www.posb.com.sg/iwov-resources/pdf/bank...

  2. Refer to this: https://www.posb.com.sg/personal/deposits/savin...

From the second website, it says:

#Accumulated Cash Gift Interest earned by Month-12 will be credited in Month-13.

#Accumulated Cash Gift Interest earned by Month-24 will be credited in Month-25.

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