facebookDo singaporean reits experience the same capital appreciation as stocks when considering dividends reinvested? - Seedly


29 Apr 2020


Do singaporean reits experience the same capital appreciation as stocks when considering dividends reinvested?

Is this the case?

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Reits are merely securitized holdings of real estate. Theory wise, over e long-term, Reits appreciation trajectory should followed their real estate counterparties rather than stocks in general

Colin Lim

29 Apr 2020

Financial Services Consultant at Colin Lim

Based on the market graphs and figures, i am seeing....US stock appreciation is better in SG....

US economy is BIGGER than SG. Thats why i invest in US and CHINA.

If you are comparing within SG market...i can say is people invest in SG stocks is to get dividends...not much of a growth prospect. honest view.

REITs is relatively cheaper than some established blue chips... you can afford....but in terms of appreciation, we do not have data to analyse.

Thus you need to do your due diligence to analyse the stocks/ REITs u wanna invest.


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This is difficult to judge and I have no data. It surely depends on the single REIT and what stocks ...

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