facebookDo singaporean men give their wives spouse $$? How much% of your salary do you give? - Seedly



23 Jul 2024

Couple Finance

Do singaporean men give their wives spouse $$? How much% of your salary do you give?

Discussion (13)

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Nur Fadhilah

12 Aug 2024

Chief of Staff at Asset Management Firm

My husband and I share by allocation. We always set aside 30% of our salary for savings, 20% for investing, 10% for emergencies, 5% for personal commute and meals.

The balance 35% of my income and 35% of his income, gets used to pay everything related to home bills, kids school, groceries, food deliveries, etc. If there is balance, it goes into our shared account which eventually gets used for either vacations or splurging on a family celebrations.

We've managed this framework for 7 years now, since we've had varying salary scale/different jobs in that timeline.

Maybe wives give $ since they earn more. It depends.

Depends on family also.. whether spouse working? or how they handle household expenses. my uncle lets his wife manage his entire salary.

I spend 6 months in SG and 6 months overseas. When I'm in SG, I work and cover all my own expenses. My husband pays for everything when I'm overseas. :) So I guess that's pretty muich him giving me money?

My husband give me allowance even I'm working as he knows I save for raining days and only spend on ...

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