facebookDo i need to declare room rental as part of my income tax? - Seedly

Chia Ming Ho

14 Apr 2020



Do i need to declare room rental as part of my income tax?

Hi i am currently renting out one of my room , registered with HDB.
1, Do i need to declare the room rental?
2. Can i deduct the expense for that room , i.e painting, light, fan, furniture.

SeedlyTV S2E01

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Colin Lim

14 Apr 2020

Financial Services Consultant at Colin Lim

Yes room rental is part of your income.
2. U cant deduct... Anyway when u rent out, the amount is submitted to HDB.. They have your records

Yes you have to.

"This includes rent of the premises, maintenance, furniture and fittings. Rental income is subject to income tax. This means that any profit or net amount left once you have added together your rental income and deducted any allowable expenses is taxable."

Do check out IRAS' website for more info.


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