I know I shouldn't feel sorry for myself and should instead think of other skills or experience I can use to better "sell" myself. But coming from a private uni has always had a huge impact on my low confidence...
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15 Jun 2021
Noob at Idiots Invest
The degree and the origin of the degree are important to a certain degree, but they don't matter nearly as much as the person holding the degree.
Yes, unfortunately that is true. As someone from private uni who has experience in both private and public, sme and mnc, I can tell you that is still sadly a fact. And if you do get in as a fresh grad, salary for local uni is discriminately higher than private uni just because they are from local uni -_-.
HOWEVER, you should not let that discourage you. Work on your own strengths, passion and let that speak for you instead. Try many internships and show your potential. fight for the salary you desire :) all the best.
I believe employers should not be favouring one local uni grad to a private grad. There are more factors which are of higher importance like your interview skills, communication, prior experience, leadership and community involvement just to name a few. I believe even grades shouldn't be of outmost importance.
Remember the best selling point is to always be willing to learn while contributing to the company so do offer both as your main selling point when you're applying for a job.
I'm not an employer but I sure do be hoping to become one in the future. Good luck to you!
Not even a uni grad and I've worked for an MNC and now here at Seedly. Life works in mysterious ways...
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As many others have mentioned, in the private sector it really doesn’t matter. But as a private uni grad myself. You likely suffer from imposter syndrome which is often tied to your own personal perception of your abilities due to how you attained your qualifications.
There is little need to validate yourself. But more importantly how you can demonstrate to your future employer what you have to often in terms of thinking or ability. Research and try to understand your potential employer’s business and market instead.