facebookCurrently I’m earning 5.8k/mth. How do y’all allocate your spending, savings, investments, allowance to parents, etc? How many% should I allocate to each? - Seedly


Edited 08 Jan 2023


Currently I’m earning 5.8k/mth. How do y’all allocate your spending, savings, investments, allowance to parents, etc? How many% should I allocate to each?

I'm currently alrdy paying about $1,200 to parents, sometimes I also pay for their expenses which is ~ $100/mth.

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Really subjective topic. Some of these kind folks have provided different answers. So I only wanna add that just make sure u have enough for yourself because your output seems to be a lot.

All the best!

$4640/mth will be the take home income. Best is develop plan based on after tax take home income. It also depend alot on your current life stages too. Giving more than 20% does not really make sense, if parents having CPF payout and own retirement saving or investment payout. If parents failed to plan of long term care and hospitalization, it will be better to set aside some of these allowance as fund providing these needs, than to give to parents as allowance.

Not the most qualified to talk but i would say that you should talk to your parents about their needs too. since u r counting them in when u reallocate your finances, u shd ask them how much they need monthly (are they working? do they qualify for any snr citizen subsidy? are they lacking retirement funds? do they feel that youre not giving enough etc.) then u can also make ur decision accordingly. I think generally emergency savings shd be abt 10-30% depending on how much u have inside already, investments 30% spending 30% and current savings abt 20%

Depends on your financial situation. I give 10% to parents, 40% savings, 30% investments/insurance, 20% CPF

Wow you are very rich. I am quite envious of your financial situation. As someone who earns consider...

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