facebookCareer break - will you regret more if you take it, or if you didn't? A mid-week contemplation of a perhaps different way of living - Seedly



12 Jul 2023


Career break - will you regret more if you take it, or if you didn't? A mid-week contemplation of a perhaps different way of living

Anyone taken or thought of taking a break (or sabbatical leave) from a job?

To figure out what you want in life? What have you thought of doing/exploring? Hope to achieve? Can be because of career-wise or can also be general directive or outlook. As a crossroad that could even be a turning point in life.

To those who made the leap of faith, what did you do during the break? Any regrets? Do you think about the what-ifs, opportunity cost often?

Appreciate any sharing :)

Discussion (7)

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I do, but never did. But generally, I feel you need to really stop and think to really figure out what you want, not so much about going on trips, taking things easy etc.

My concern is if i took a break, can i go back to the work with the same pay/ benefits etc.

I also wish to have a break but if I break for 1 year means 1 year short of income and my retirement Age will be delay too

To take or not to take that is the qn:

Take (Pros): Career clarity, mental & physcial recharge, ...

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