facebookCan anyone give some clarification regarding the latest SPH REIT financial statements (Cash flows & Distributions)? - Seedly


Can anyone give some clarification regarding the latest SPH REIT financial statements (Cash flows & Distributions)?

In the recent Financial Results For The Period Ended 29 February 2020, Statement of Cash flows,
Distribution to unit-holders for 2Q 2020 is marginally higher than 2Q 2019
2Q 2020 : (35,860)
2Q 2019: (34,602)

However, Distribution per unit is markedly lower compared to the same periods,
2Q 2020 : (8,272)
2Q 2019: (36,440)

As far as I understand, distribution per Cash Flow statements and Actual shouldn't have such a huge variance. Where is the Cash going to?

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Tan Wei Ming

29 Jun 2020

Founder and Writer at Frugal Youth Invests

The Cash Flow Statement is for period ending 29 February 2020. Therefore, the 35,860 distribution came from the previous quarter distribution. The 8,272 will only be recorded in the Cash Flow Statement in the upcoming quarter as it is distributed after 29 February 2020.

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