facebookBuy when others are fearful : What has been your experience? - Seedly


08 Jul 2021


Buy when others are fearful : What has been your experience?

Were you ever in a situation where you bought shares of a company when nobody else would? And how did it turn out after holding it out? Has the price sprang back up?

Please share your experience.

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1 word. insane. buying NOT the mainstream stocks. better not invest your emotions into it as well.

It really is daunting to act alone, a high conviction helps to cross that inertia.

I'm lucky my work gives me a little exposure to structured data, so I saw the value in what Palantir was trying to solve and scooped a stack upon direct listing. Shared with some people; most thought about it, only a few acted.

What I found useful was to seek out technical experts and ask probing questions, their collective responses helps form an opinion, and builds up conviction. While it can be exciting to talk about "when moon?" or "number go up", those are really just surface-level banter.

Ultimately, it's us and our money, the decison should come from us alone. Good to have a sounding board, but we shouldn't need anyone else to feel better about our choice.

It is not of importance.

it already implies that we could market-time.

i feel it is better to regularly reinvest into the products we selected as long-term interesting.

A short story of Everyone vs Me:

May 2017: Bought into crypto when no one knew what Bitcoin and Ethereum were

Nov2017: Rode to All Time High and everyone calling me lucky

Dec 2017: Crypto dropped 80%. Everyone told me it's the end, I should sell too like they did, before it goes to 0. I bought more.

Jan 2018: Kept telling everyone crypto is THE way, no one gave a fuck. Give up convincing people, instead spent 2-3 hours a day researching and learning Crypto

April 2021: All Time High again thanks to Elon and Tiktokers. Everyone calling me lucky (again).

May 2021: Flash crash, everything dropped 30 - 50% overnight

Now: Still hodling

Lesson 1: Most people are stupid (in term of investing, not IQ or intelligence), do the opposite of what everyone is doing and you are gonna make it.

Lesson 2: Diversification is a meme (and myth), find a few high conviction bets (about 5-10) and all in. Your 60% stocks 40% bonds portfolio are ngmi.​​​

Christopher Puan

14 Jul 2021

Photographer/ Corporate Trainer at Chrispy Media & Education

The concept of buying a stock when others are fearful only works if you know when to take the profit...

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