facebookBoss using year end bonus and performance evaluation to threaten me. National Service obligation. ? - Seedly



18 Apr 2019


Boss using year end bonus and performance evaluation to threaten me. National Service obligation. ?

I received SAF100 about my high key reservist. SAF100 comes 6 months before. Boss requested me to defer, but got rejected. He’s a Singaporean. He follow up with a deferment letter with the company letter head. Rejected again. I expressed my desire to fulfil my obligation duly. In return, he’s using my year end evaluation and performance bonus to threaten me indirectly. What should I do?

Discussion (6)

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Jeff Yeo

24 Dec 2018

amateur Social contributor at School of social sharing

I do not think your boss values you

try to defer and after that look for a job to move.

Collect evidence. As much as evidence as you can. Then report him.

Bang Hong

17 Dec 2018

Sustainable Spender Specialist at Spender Bang

If I am you, I will follow my boss and try to defer.

Work comes first unless my country is on a cr...

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