facebookAt career crossroad, how would you choose between peaceful stable job vs new job with learning opportunity but unstable? - Seedly


Edited 15 Jun 2023


At career crossroad, how would you choose between peaceful stable job vs new job with learning opportunity but unstable?

Currently in mid 30s, doing well at my company for past 10 year doing the same thing, colleagues are nice, work is manageable, performing well and favored by boss. But boss is unpredictable and may change. If i continue on into my 40s, this job may well be my retiring job, as it will be difficult or almost impossible to switch to industry/private company by 40s.

Current work scope involved deep analytical thinking and tough decision making. The work is getting harder and i start to dislike or even fear the work, and i don't think i may have the brain capacity to do similar function in my 40s and 50s. Not possible for horizontal job change within organisation because my skillsets are specialised and niche, and boss won't let me go to other dept.

The job is very less operational function, very few interactions with people, not much people skill and soft skill involved. Im feeling stagnant now. If i continue on, i may slowly become a hermit in my own shell, with no new skills for future-proof. Essentially, this is a very niche job with niche skillset, but stable.

There is a job opportunity in anothet company, same industry, new job scopes and new things to learn, the work will be more operational and administrative, more problematic issues to solve day in and out, with more people interaction and managing people skills will be required, less need for tough decision making. Will learn a different skillset. This role is a generalist job scope and will provide a good stepping stone to more job opportunities in the same industry with the experience. On the other hand, job stability may be an issue, and may need to job hop every 3-5 years. This could be my last chance to switch out of my current job or stayput and be stuck forever.

Asssuming similar pay (maybe slightly higher) and benefits between the current job and new job, and no financial and family commitment, would you take the leap to change to new job to learn new skills and experience but with uncertainties, or stay stuck in current job for stability with no motivation andbincreasingly more problematic issues and not learning new skill set and retiring on this job for the next 10-20 yrs? To rock the boat or stay put?

Discussion (32)

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If it were me, I would weigh the pros and cons of each option and think about the following:

  1. My current life situation and whether stability is a necessity.
  2. My long-term career plans and which option aligns better with them.
  3. My risk tolerance and level of resilience in the face of uncertainty.

At the end of the day, it's about choosing the path that feels right for my personal situation and listening to my gut feeling. Seeking input from loved ones or a mentor might also help in making a more informed decision.

Whatever the choice, it's important to take responsibility for our decisions and make the most out of the experiences that come our way. Good luck!



If you don't rock your own boat now while you have option on hand, soon external party will rock your boat and it'll be more painful.

Happened to me. It's to once in awhile rock your own comfort zone. Good for mental growth.

Are you more focused on stability and a steady income, or are you willing to take risks for growth and learning opportunities?

I think if since there are no financial and family commitments, you have the option to follow your heart! I would say go for it.

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I have also just left my company of 10 years because I saw that it was becoming stagnant because of ...

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