facebookAre there any tools / online templates I can use to consolidate all my insurance plans to keep track of my coverage and premiums more easily? - Seedly


04 Sep 2021



Are there any tools / online templates I can use to consolidate all my insurance plans to keep track of my coverage and premiums more easily?

Tools to consolidate my insurance plans

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HI there,

Actually I just track my insurance policies on an excel sheet and word document. in my word doc i will have info such as:


Plan Name:

Product Type:

Name of Insurer:

Policy Number:

Policy start date:

Policy Term:


Premium End Date:

Premium term:

Total premiums paid:

Sum insured:

Sum insured for death/TPD/critical illness:

Maturity date:

Maturity benefit:


I have online access for all my policies (e.g. Pruaccess for prudential, AIA's online website for AIA plans etc) and regularly download and save a copy of all the letters sent to me, so that i have a softcopy readily available.


On my excel sheet i keep track of the premiums paid out, and to be paid (so I am aware how far along i have to go). hope it helps..!

Some insurance companies have summaries online but like what many others say - an excel spreadsheet is good to track.

Fields like the insurance name, policy no., purpose, coverage, payment until XX age/year, payment frequency (e.g. which month/year end), amount paid to date, payment mode to ascertain if any gaps/over-cover. Maturity (if any - e.g. endowment/savings) date and amount.

Good to know how to activate when needed too - e.g. hospitalization, if premium will increase or stop...

I think after doing, good to talk to your financial advisor (to bridge any gaps in understanding of the products).

The summary may be useful at different stages of life - purchasing of house, having a spouse, changing mode of payment (credit cards), losing job etc.

Arman Mohamad

13 Sep 2021

Seedly Student Ambassador 2021/22 at Seedly

Hi Anon, as others have mentioned, a simple excel sheet will suffice.


The sheet should comprise ...

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