facebookAre Roboadvisors better additions to a portfolio in comparison to DIY-ing global ETFs? - Seedly



15 Dec 2019


Are Roboadvisors better additions to a portfolio in comparison to DIY-ing global ETFs?

I am new to investing; I have only done RSP into STI and ABF ETF for 1.5 years, so I apologise if my question doesn’t make complete sense. I have recently been looking into creating a proper portfolio for myself (three-fund or all-weather). I am wondering if it would be advisable for me to use Robos instead of DIY-ing (at least for global equities), in terms of both cost and efficacy, since I am a newbie.

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If you want the ease of investing, i.e. a hands-off approach, going with Robo-adviosirs will make for a better choice since you do not have to bother yourself with

  1. ETF selection

  2. Rebalancing of your portfolio

  3. Reinvesting the dividends

  4. Buying and selling of the ETFs

  5. and etc..............

If you want the lowest cost possible then DIY makes better sense, since you can choose the ETFs that goes into your portfolio. Remember that robo-advisors does not allow you to choose the ETF that goes into your portfolio. You can only choose your risk profile/tolerance which in turn determine your ETFs that goes into your portfolio and its allocation.

I have a financial blog that talks everything about ETF. Do check it out.


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