Coinhako has higher transaction rates but things are kept to the simplest. Without auto-buy and auto-sell function. Huobi has a Grid Bot that enables you to sell via grids. Buy low and sell high in an automated manner. Highly recommended for morning swings. And of course, nothing comes without a risk.
If compared to Binanace, I feel that everything is almost the same. It's just a little bit of UI difference and with an additional Grid Bot function. In addition, withdrawal can be done via selling USTD via the P2P function and buyer will just paynow to you.
Oh yeah, to purchase USTD from huobi. Just buy thru P2P via paynow. Much faster and easier than coinhako yeah.
Please feel free to use my referral code. ggvz2223
Coinhako has higher transaction rates but things are kept to the simplest. Without auto-buy and auto-sell function. Huobi has a Grid Bot that enables you to sell via grids. Buy low and sell high in an automated manner. Highly recommended for morning swings. And of course, nothing comes without a risk.
If compared to Binanace, I feel that everything is almost the same. It's just a little bit of UI difference and with an additional Grid Bot function. In addition, withdrawal can be done via selling USTD via the P2P function and buyer will just paynow to you.
Oh yeah, to purchase USTD from huobi. Just buy thru P2P via paynow. Much faster and easier than coinhako yeah.