facebookAny tips on increasing couple's savings in the next one year for a big purchase towards Q4 2024? Both are pretty cash poor i.e. each have around 20k in bank - Seedly

Jack Ong

Edited 27 Sep 2023


General Investing

Any tips on increasing couple's savings in the next one year for a big purchase towards Q4 2024? Both are pretty cash poor i.e. each have around 20k in bank

My partner was unemployed for a good half of this year and was draining quite a bit of her own savings. We're now earning stable income but we're both cash poor as I have parked some cash in investments (which I am reluctant to utilise for our big purchases in the short term) and my partner does not earn a lot previously.


Our combined take home pay is around 12k and we're planning to get a 4-rm resale late next year. Seeking thoughts on how to grow our existing savings to utilise for this big purchase.


EDIT: We only started earning the new combined income recently and weren't taking home a lot previously. Now we're looking ahead and wondering how else to maximise our take-home pay for the upcoming big purchase

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17 Oct 2023

Administrator at SG

Start a joint account and pour in money into that pool and have a bi-weekly meeting to look at the funds growth. I suggest UOB stash.

If having a combined income of yours, u have lots of options to save, can't imagine why u can't save for upcoming resale, cut down ur unnecessary wants/ spendings.

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Hi Jack. I must say, 20k each and still have some good amount parked at investment are already perfect foundation there.

For a 4 room resale? HDB yea?


This isn't going to break your bank if you are not looking at extra prime location.

Going towards newly MOP close to city fringe might requires a 800k while those of a decentralised precinct may just be around the range of 550k-600k


For a property is itself a forced-saving vehicle when you leverage on the right tools and method, you both really do not need to worry much on the purchase.

For HDB uses MSR to calculate your loan and affordability, it is often safe to take that as benchmark and guide you ahead.

Go online HDB resale portal and apply for a HFE letter to understand better.


Keep most of the CPF and try to repay in cash if you know what I mean.

The CPF OA interest earned is going to be great savings in the long term.


I'm glad to be sharing here.

My name is Henry from Propnex Singapore.

If you do need more assistance, simply ring me up 87sixsixsix8sixsix 😊😊

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Javier Tan Yan Kai

06 Oct 2023

Actuarial Analyst at AIA

Set an forced amount to save into a separate account, use high yield savings

I am just going to suggest the basics:

1) Align same goal with your gf, which is to save as much as...

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