facebookAny tips on how to pick growth stocks? - Seedly


26 Apr 2019


Any tips on how to pick growth stocks?

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Ashley Wong

26 Apr 2019

Financial Assistant at Multi Management & Future Solutions

Choose a company that has strong fundamentals, including positive signals such as rising sales and earnings and low debt.

Make sure that the company is in the growing industry.

Trade in stocks that are benefiting from bullish market developments in the economy.

During a bear market or in bearish trends, get your money out of growth stocks (such as technology) and into defensive stocks (such as utilities).

Keep monitoring your stocks. Hold on to stocks that have growth potential, and sell stocks with negative prospects.


26 Apr 2019

Development & Acquisitions Manager at Real Estate Private Equity

Though it may not apply to all growth stocks, here are a couple of traits of growth stocks possess

1) No dividend payouts

Growth companies feel that they would be able to grow your money at a higher rate as compared to issuing dividends back to you for you to grow it on your own. Therefore, growing companies usually don't pay dividends.

2) Loss-making / High volatility

Kindda contradicting, but growth companies are usually either a hit or miss for this reason. In this time and age where humans feel that we already have all that we need, the best companies in the world are those what manage to create a new need rather than making a current product / service better.

Companies that revolutionise a particular industry (or as what others would term, disrupters) are usually the ones to look out for. Given how things are rather new and demand is low as people don't currently see the need, the company will usually be in the red because there's a lot of trial and error. But once the company find the sweet spot, it'll pick up fast. The beginning is always the toughest, akin to growing $1 to $100 than $100 to $1000.

3) Management

Management is key in growth companies simply because they provide the drive, passion, ideas and innovation for the company to grow. Being strong advocates of what their company is doing is very important. You will constantly hear the names of these people on the news, finding new partners, collaborating with other businesses etc.

4) Venture Capitalists / Private Equity Firms

One way to pick growth stocks is to identify companies even before they list. Follow the reputable VC firms (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alejandrocremades/...) Read up the companies these VC's invest in and when these companies file for IPO just head in and invest because usually VC's have many successful track records i.e. VC's investing into Google, Tencent even before they were listed.

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