Ive read the pamphlet but it doesn’t state anything that I will be getting back the exact amount of premiums I paid. They do state that “You are guaranteed to receive at least 120% of the coverage amount over the life of the policy.“ on their website. May I know what do they mean by that?
Discussion (7)
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Pang Zhe Liang
01 Jun 2020
Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd
Elijah Lee
01 Jun 2020
Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)
Hi anon,
This is a endowment plan with cashback features.
You can take a look at the policy schedule and you will see a "Sum Assured" or "Insured Amount". This is the amount on which the 120% is calculated, provided that you pay all premiums in full. How the cashback works is that from year 3, they will pay you 5% of the sum assured or the insured amount.
So as an example, (based on their pamphlet), a 25 year plan with a insured amount of $10000 costs $71.12/mth for 25 years. Starting from year 3, the plan will pay $500/yr (5% of $10000) till maturity, for a total of 23 payments of $500/yr or $11500. Then there is a final maturity amount of $500, and the non-guaranteed maturity amount pays out as well. Thus, the guaranteed amount is a total of $12000 or 120% of $10000.
I hope this clarifies. Look for your own sum assured figures if you have this plan and 120% of that, is the amount you are guaranteed.
As to whether you are making a loss (how do you want to define loss though?), if we use the example above, the total premiums paid are $21336 and the guaranteed amount paid out over the duration of the plan is $12000. Yes, there are non-guaranteed bonuses, as well as non-guaranteed interest by re-depositing the coupons, but they are just that: non-guaranteed. Your numbers my vary, but the idea of what is guaranteed and what is not does not change. You should be able to draw a conclusion from this.
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