facebook1. I only want to invest in US ETF (E.g. CSPX, Ireland Domiled based) long term. I will be buy few units probably on every quarter or 6 months. What's the most cost effective way to do so.? - Seedly


1. I only want to invest in US ETF (E.g. CSPX, Ireland Domiled based) long term. I will be buy few units probably on every quarter or 6 months. What's the most cost effective way to do so.?

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I guess you should change your question to wanting to invest in Ireland-domiciled ETFs.

For this purpose, I'd recommend SCB as they do not have custodial charges. There are only a number of brokers who allow you to invest in the London stock exchange, where Ireland domiciled etfs are located. The most recommended ones are IBKR or SCB. Ibkr because they have v good fx rates, and allow much more types of trading to be done with low costs. SCB because of 0 custodial charges, but higher minimum cost of trading.

Thank you May and JC. If I go to the SCB route. Are there min units to purchased?

Perhaps you can consider SCB since you're only buying once every 6 months....

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